Get your Online Signatures via WhatsApp eSign!


Content Creator, Zoopsign

January 19, 2024

Get your Online Signatures via WhatsApp eSign!

Introduction to WhatsApp eSign

Tired of your digital documents going unnoticed by your signers?

Well, we understand your frustration.

The world has shifted from SMS to WhatsApp, and now it's time for you to make the same transition for your online signatures.

Since its launch 13 years ago (yes, it's been that long!), WhatsApp has become the go-to messaging app for billions of users worldwide. And with only 19% of links sent via SMS being opened, there's a serious risk of your eSign links going unnoticed or ignored.

But why settle for SMS when you can send your eSign online links directly on WhatsApp? With ZoopSign’s WhatsApp eSign, you can effortlessly send all your eSign online links, reminders, and the final eSigned PDF directly to your customers via WhatsApp.

To know more about WhatsApp eSign and how it works, click here

Try WhatsApp eSign for FREE!

Keep reading to understand why WhatsApp eSign is the better online signature!

WhatsApp eSign: The Best Online Signature Solution

In today's fast-paced world, consumers rely heavily on their mobile devices for both personal and business communication. And as consumer habits shift, speed and convenience have become more important than ever before. 

To meet customers where they are and ensure a seamless signing experience, you need to invest in modern, flexible solutions that expedite transactions and give signers the choice in how they receive information and sign contracts. 

Click here to check out 5 different ways to create an eSign!

With WhatsApp eSign, you can enhance the signing process, making it easier and more accessible for your customers. WhatsApp eSign allows you to get your online signatures quickly and securely. Whether it's a business agreement, a legal document, or any important paperwork, you can rely on the convenience of eSign online through WhatsApp.

By leveraging WhatsApp eSign, you can streamline your workflow and eliminate the hassle of physical paperwork. Say goodbye to the traditional pen-and-paper process and embrace the efficiency of online signatures. 

With the power of WhatsApp eSign, you can securely obtain online signatures, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of your documents.

Try WhatsApp eSign for FREE!

Key Benefits of WhatsApp eSign 

1. Faster signing speed

Delivering real-time notifications to your signer's mobile devices with a direct link to complete a document can significantly speed up the signing process. In comparative analysis, agreements delivered via WhatsApp are signed nearly 7x faster than those sent via email. 

For example, imagine you are a real estate agent trying to close a deal. By sending the agreement via WhatsApp eSign, you can ensure that your client receives the notification immediately and can quickly review and sign the document, reducing unnecessary delays in the transaction.

2. Global reach

With 2 billion users in more than 180 countries, adding WhatsApp broadens your reach. This means you can use ZoopSign to connect with nearly any signer using the mobile messaging platform. 

For instance, if you're a global business working with international clients, you can leverage WhatsApp eSign online to reach customers across borders and streamline the signing process, regardless of their location. This eliminates the need for physical paperwork and allows for seamless collaboration, even when dealing with signers in different time zones.

3. Easy user experience

By offering another mobile-friendly method to process agreements, WhatsApp eSign gives users more choice and flexibility. Embedding alerts natively into the messaging application makes the signing process more convenient than ever. 

For example, imagine you are a small business owner trying to secure a contract with a potential client. By sending the agreement through WhatsApp eSign, you provide them with a familiar and easily accessible platform to review and sign the document, enhancing their overall experience and increasing the likelihood of a successful deal.

4. Secure and Legal

ZoopSign already protects highly confidential information by encrypting and making every document tamper-evident. When combined with WhatsApp's leading privacy features, notifications sent through WhatsApp eSign offer an additional layer of security, ensuring that sensitive information is always delivered securely. 

This is especially crucial when dealing with legal contracts, medical documents, or any other sensitive information that requires utmost privacy and data protection.

Try WhatsApp eSign for FREE!

WhatsApp eSign vs Other Digital eSign: Comparison Table

What Types of Documents Can Be Signed Using WhatsApp eSign?

WhatsApp eSign offers the flexibility to sign a wide range of documents, making it suitable for various industries and use cases. Whether you are a business professional, an individual, or part of a legal team, WhatsApp eSign can simplify your document signing process. 

Here are some examples of documents that you can send for WhatsApp eSign:

1. Contracts and Agreements

From sales contracts to employment agreements, WhatsApp eSign allows you to send legally binding documents for signature with ease. Expedite the process by sending contracts directly through the WhatsApp platform, eliminating the need for printing, scanning, and mailing.

2. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

Protect your sensitive information by using WhatsApp eSign to send NDAs for signature. Ensure confidentiality and streamline the signing process, enabling parties to sign and return NDAs quickly and securely.

3. Consent Forms

Obtain consent from clients, patients, or participants by sending consent forms through WhatsApp eSign. This feature is particularly useful for healthcare providers, research organizations, and businesses that require consent for various purposes.

4. Financial Documents

Whether it's loan agreements, lease agreements, or financial disclosures, WhatsApp eSign online simplifies the signing process for financial documents. Send these documents securely and receive signed copies promptly, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

If you’re confused about the type of business contracts, you can click here to learn more.

5. Legal Documents

WhatsApp eSign online can be used for various legal documents such as power of attorney, affidavits, and legal notices. Enable clients and legal professionals to sign and exchange these documents seamlessly within the WhatsApp platform.

Try WhatsApp eSign for FREE!

Ready to simplify your document signing process with WhatsApp eSign? Choose ZoopSign today and experience its convenience, security, and efficiency. 

Say goodbye to:

  • Manual signatures
  • Errors
  • Geographical limitations
  • Signing delays

with ZoopSign’s WhatsApp eSign. Click here to get started.

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