ZoopSign vs DocuSign2024 Comparison

Why pick ZoopSign over DocuSign? Think custom-made for India, think ZoopSign.
Picture this: signing contracts, offer letters, and agreements made as easy as a click, all while keeping the Indian and global workflows in mind. That's ZoopSign for you in 2023. It's not just another DocuSign; it's your very own Indian eSign platform. Ready to make document signing a cakewalk? Let's get started with ZoopSign!

Try the FREEMIUM Plan!




$10/user per month

$3/user per month

Email Support

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Email Notification

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Upload PDF

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Knowledge Base

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Aadhaar eSign

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Number of eSigns



PDF Utilities

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CRM Integrations

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Viewer Comments

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PDF Operations

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Edit PDF

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Analytical Insights

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Secure Encryption

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Custom Pricing

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Cloud Storage

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Lifetime Freemium Plan

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Email eSign

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Whatsapp eSign

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Custom Branding

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24/7 Support*

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What Sets ZoopSign Apart?

Aadhaar eSign: A Standout for Indian Users

ZoopSign distinguishes itself as a DocuSign alternative by offering the Aadhaar eSign feature. Especially beneficial for users in India, this feature uses the Aadhaar number for identity verification and digital document signing. This additional verification layer enhances the security and authenticity of documents, making ZoopSign a more reliable DocuSign alternative.

Aadhaar eSign: A Standout for Indian Users

Half the Price, Double the Value

Offering premium document tracking services at 50% less than DocuSign, ZoopSign, a better DocuSign alternative, redefines cost-effectiveness. This affordability doesn't compromise functionality, making it an ideal choice for businesses of every size, especially those mindful of budgets. With ZoopSign, a DocuSign alternative, smaller businesses gain access to the same high-level services as their larger counterparts, but without the financial strain. This affordability doesn't compromise functionality, making ZoopSign a value-packed DocuSign alternative.

Half the Price, Double the Value

Pay-per-Use for eSignatures

Unlike DocuSign, which requires buying a preset number of eSignatures regardless of actual need, ZoopSign lets users purchase individual eSignatures as and when needed. This unique feature ensures that users only pay for what they use, leading to significant cost savings. It's a highly efficient approach that tailors to individual needs, making digital transaction management more economical and user-friendly. This flexibility makes ZoopSign a cost-effective DocuSign alternative in the eSignature market.

Pay-per-Use for eSignatures

24/7 User Support*

ZoopSign’s 24/7 customer support is available to all users, not just those on paid plans. This means every ZoopSign user, regardless of their plan, can receive help and guidance when they need it. This standout service ensures a great user experience and satisfaction, setting ZoopSign apart from competitors like DocuSign, who only offer support to paid users.

24/7 User Support*

Lifetime FREEMIUM Plan

In a world where most services like DocuSign offer a fleeting 14-day free trial, ZoopSign, a DocuSign alternative, breaks the mold. We believe in proving our value over time, which is why we offer a Lifetime Free Plan. No strings attached, no hidden fees. With ZoopSign, you get continuous access to our top-notch document-tracking services without spending a dime. While others, like DocuSign, may give you a taste, we give you the whole meal - for life. Choose ZoopSign over DocuSign and enjoy a lifetime of cost-free, quality service. It's not just a trial, it's a commitment.

Lifetime FREEMIUM Plan

Contract Summarising Tool

ZoopSign's unique 'Talk to PDF' feature is a time-saver for users. It summarises contracts, eliminating the need for users to read through lengthy documents. This feature is absent in DocuSign. ZoopSign's ability to provide efficient solutions for managing and understanding contracts improves the user experience and sets it apart from other eSignature platforms.

Contract Summarising Tool

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