ZoopSign vs PandaDocComparison 2024

Experience a new level of ease and security when transitioning from PandaDoc to ZoopSign. Here’s something to help you choose the right fit for you.

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$19/user per month

$3/user per month

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Knowledge Base

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Aadhaar eSign

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PDF Utilities

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CRM Integrations

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Viewer Comments

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PDF Operations

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Edit PDF

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MS Office/Contract Negotiation

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Analytical Insights

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Secure Encryption

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Custom Pricing

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Cloud Storage

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Lifetime Freemium Plan

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Email eSign

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Whatsapp eSign

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Custom Branding

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24/7 Support*

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What’s in store?

If you are looking for a simple, secure, and affordable way to create and sign proposals online, you might want to consider switching from PandaDoc to ZoopSign. Here are some of the benefits of choosing ZoopSign over PandaDoc :

Legally Binding Signatures

ZoopSign uses advanced encryption and authentication methods to ensure that every signature you collect is legally binding and compliant with global e-signature laws.

Easy Collaboration

ZoopSign makes it easy for you to collaborate with your team and clients on your proposals. You can invite multiple users to edit, comment, and approve your proposals in real time. You can also track the status and activity of your proposals with detailed analytics and notifications.

MS Word/Contract Negotiation

ZoopSign stands out with its integrated MS Word templates, allowing users to smoothly create, manage, edit, sign, and share documents. By leveraging familiar MS Word formats within ZoopSign, users experience enhanced collaboration, streamlined workflows, and efficient customization. Whether tailoring templates to match branding or maintaining version control, ZoopSign’s integration simplifies document management while ensuring security.

What Sets ZoopSign Apart?

Aadhaar eSign

ZoopSign distinguishes itself from PandaDoc by introducing the Aadhaar eSign feature. Specifically designed for Indian users, this functionality utilizes the Aadhaar number for identity verification and digital document signing. This additional layer of authentication enhances document security and credibility, positioning ZoopSign as a superior alternative to PandaDoc.

Aadhaar eSign

Lifetime Value Plan

In a landscape where services like PandaDoc offer a brief 14-day free trial, ZoopSign—a direct competitor—breaks the mold. We firmly stand by our long-term value proposition, which is why we present the Lifetime Free Plan. There are no hidden fees and no gimmicks. With ZoopSign, you can enjoy uninterrupted access to our top-tier document-tracking services without any financial impact. Opt for ZoopSign over PandaDoc for enduring, cost-free, high-quality service.

Lifetime Value Plan

Double the Value, Half the Price

ZoopSign redefines cost-efficiency by providing premium document tracking services at half the price of PandaDoc. This affordability doesn’t compromise functionality, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes, especially those on a budget. With ZoopSign—a worthy PandaDoc alternative—even smaller enterprises can access top-tier services without straining their finances. It’s a win-win situation that doesn’t sacrifice functionality, making ZoopSign a value-rich alternative.

Double the Value, Half the Price

Pay-per-Use for eSignatures

Unlike PandaDoc, which requires purchasing a fixed number of eSignatures regardless of actual usage, ZoopSign allows users to buy individual eSignatures as needed. This unique feature ensures that users only pay for what they utilize, resulting in significant cost savings. It’s an efficient approach tailored to specific requirements, simplifying digital transaction management.

Pay-per-Use for eSignatures

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